Our Awards and Accolades
Industry Recognition
Awards and Accolades
Copart is a leading used and salvage vehicle remarketer with over a decade of experience and expertise in the UK automotive industry. Founded in California in 1982; Copart was listed on NASDAQ in 1994, topped Deloitte’s “The Exceptional 100” list of companies in 2015, became an S&P 500 company in 2018 and was successfully established in the UK in 2007.
Our history, alongside our continued investment into people, processes and technology, has gained us recognition for performance and best practice within the automotive industry.

Jane Pocock Recognised in 2024 Autocar Great Women Top 100
Jane Pocock, CEO of Copart UK & Ireland, was recognised in the 2024 Autocar Great Women Top 100, an annual event which celebrates the most influential women in the British car industry today.
Jane was a finalist in the Executive Category which is for women who hold senior leadership roles across significant size businesses and are responsible for their direction and success.
She leads the second most established market in Copart’s global business and is the only female CEO in our NASDAQ-listed company. Read more.
IVR Roadside Safety Award 2024
In September 2024, Copart received the IVR Roadside Safety Award 2024 in recognition of our commitment and innovative approach to training, setting standards, and leading by example when it comes to roadside safety.
Copart is the first vehicle recycling organisation to put employees through the ITSSAR ‘train the trainer’ course with The Institute of Vehicle Recovery (IVR).
Our qualified ITSSAR instructors have the ability to deliver the VR28 Multi-Deck Transporter module into the salvage and vehicle recycling sector, aligned to the same high standards as those operated within the recovery industry.
Read more on our blog.

King Charles III : The Leadership & Vision of a Modern Monarch
We were honoured to be included in this publication and proud to attend the exclusive book launch of ‘King Charles III: The Leadership and Vision of a Modern Monarch’.
Copart were invited to be amongst a select few organisations in the sustainability section of this iconic book for our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion, alongside our continued passion for enabling the wider circular economy through our vehicle recycling activities.
Our continued commitment to supporting global sustainability through our customer first approach aligns to the Kings vision of progressive businesses in the UK.
Gold Carbon Literacy Accreditation
In December 2023, we achieved our Gold Carbon Literacy Accreditation – less than a year after achieving Silver!
This demonstrates our ongoing commitment to tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions, and their determination to always act responsibly and sustainably.
With over half of Copart UK teammates now certified as Carbon Literate, we are already making excellent progress towards our next goal of achieiving Platinum!
Read more on our blog.

IMI Accredited EV Training Provider
Copart UK is an IMI approved accreditation centre, further strengthening our investment into training and technical skills development.
This accreditation enables us to deliver essential IMI TechSafe electric and hybrid vehicle training across our nationwide Operation Centres.
We’ll initially be focused on delivering IMI training for the Level 2 Award in Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance Activities and the Level 3 Award in Electric/Hybrid Vehicle System Repair and Replacement.
We plan to stay ahead of the curve and offer a wide range of training courses in line with further sustainability developments within the automotive industry, such as hydrogen vehicle awareness.
Find out more on our blog.
Bronze EcoVadis Medal
In June 2023, Copart was awarded a Bronze EcoVadis Medal. EcoVadis measures the quality of a company’s sustainability management system through its policies, actions, and results.
Copart underwent a comprehensive assessment of our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, which focused on Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement
We demonstrated how Copart integrates sustainability into every stage of our operations and management systems and received a bronze medal for our progress towards sustainability. And of course, we are now well on our way to achieving silver!

Silver Carbon Literacy Accreditation
In January 2023, we achieved a Silver Carbon Literacy Accreditation in record time, as part of our ongoing Plan-Net-Zero sustainability commitment.
This achievement highlights our ongoing commitment to tackling climate change, reducing carbon emissions, and working towards the overall commitment to achieve net zero by 2040, which is underscored by our membership to the Science Based Targets Organisation.
We are now focused on achieving the gold accreditation in 2023 by delivering the training to even more of our workforce. Find out more on our blog.
Accredited Living Wage Employer
In August 2022, Copart became an officially accredited Living Wage Employer, joining forces with thousands of organisations and businesses across the UK who understand the importance of paying their employees a fair and appropriate wage.
Not only is being a Living Wage employer the right thing to do, but it will also help us to attract and retain great people. Of course, we want to be seen as an Employer of Choice, but much more than that we want our teammates to know that we care about them, and this is just one tangible way for us to demonstrate that. Read more on our blog.

2022 Autocar Great Women in the British Car Industry
In June 2022, Jane Pocock, CEO of Copart UK & Ireland, was recognised in the 2022 Autocar Great Women in the British Car Industry Top 100. Jane was a finalist in the Executive Category, which is for women who hold senior leadership roles across significant size businesses and are responsible for their direction and success.
Jeff Liaw, President of Copart Inc, said: “Jane is a key member of our global leadership team and has been instrumental in Copart’s continued growth and success in the UK. Jane is held in extremely high regard for delivering outstanding results for our customers, championing equality, diversity, and inclusion within the automotive industry, and for her strong focus on achieving our vision of a more sustainable and greener future.” Find out more on our Copart Autoblog.
CCA Global Standard – Third Accreditation
In September 2021, for the third consecutive year, we achieved re-accreditation to the CCA Global Standard, a globally recognised framework that assesses the reliability and effectiveness of customer service operations. Achieving the award is particularly meaningful during these unprecedented times and clearly demonstrates the commitment of our Copart teammates in going above and beyond to meet customer needs.
To be recognised with the accreditation, we had to undergo a rigorous virtual assessment over the course of several days, reviewing all aspects of our business. In a very positive summary at the close of the assessment, Copart’s key strengths were highlighted as being our continuous focus on customer experience, our robust processes, and the confidence and engagement of our teammates. Read more on our blog.

ABP Club’s Industry Influencers List 2021
Jane Pocock, Managing Director of Copart UK & Ireland, has been included on the ABP Industry Influencers List 2021. ABP Club (The Auto Body Professionals Club) Industry Influencers List is a brand new publication, which replaces publications The Power List, and Women of Influence – on which Jane was also included in 2019.
The 120 names included on the list represent the people ABP believe have made the greatest influence on our industry and are recognised as having an effect on bodyshop businesses across the UK.
Jane said: “I’m very proud to work in such an exciting industry and I’m passionate about continually improving what we do and how we do it, through collaboration and innovation across the entire industry supply chain. It’s fantastic to be recognised as an influencer and I look forward to seeing our industry continue to go from strength to strength.” Read more on our blog.
CCA Global Standard Year 2 Accreditation
In 2021, we were awarded the prestigious CCA Global Standard Accreditation by the Customer Contact Association, for a second year. We received the award, which is recognised as the definitive standard for customer contact operations, following an intensive ‘year 2’ assessment, performed virtually over a two-day period with our Customer Support Centre and Claims Settlement teams based at our Customer Excellence Centre in Bedford.
In a very positive summary at the close of the assessment, the CCA Global Standard Auditor stated that Copart had demonstrated solid improvement despite the pandemic, praising our robust response to the crisis and rapid deployment of remote working for employees in non-operational roles. Other keys strengths highlighted included our investment into the personal development of our people, our continuous focus on customer experience, and the high levels of employee engagement. Read our blog to find out more.

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Standard
ISO 22301 is a globally recognised standard which is designed to help businesses prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from, unexpected and disruptive incidents and threats. As part of the assessment, we were audited on our ability to recognise potential risks and have the necessary framework in place to continue our operations, involving comprehensive business impact assessments for all areas of the organisation.
It was a great opportunity to revisit and revise our business continuity processes in line with the challenges of Covid-19, strengthening our already robust emergency response strategy and underpinning the high-quality, seamless service our customers can expect to receive. This new accreditation brings the total of ISO standards we operate to six, which is incredibly unique for a company within the automotive industry.
Autocar’s Great Women in the British Car Industry Top 100
In September 2020, Copart UK & Ireland’s Managing Director, Jane Pocock, was recognised in Autocar’s Great Women in the British Car Industry Top 100. The annual event recognises key women and their achievements in the automotive industry. Jane was nominated in the Executive Category, for women who hold senior leadership roles across significant size businesses and are responsible for their direction and strategic success.
Jane said: “I’m delighted to have been nominated by Autocar for this award. It’s great to see a dedicated drive to promote and recognise women in the automotive industry. I am fortunate to have spent 30 years of my career in this sector and have enjoyed working alongside both men and women to recognise talent and mentor progress.”
Find out more on our Automotive Blog.

ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard
ISO 31000 is a globally recognised standard which helps organisations to manage risk more effectively, boosting Health & Safety performance and minimising risk. In 2020, after an intensive five-day assessment where we were audited on our corporate risk register, risk assessments for all operational processes and our training programmes, we were delighted to be awarded this accreditation with no further actions required.
This was a perfect opportunity for us to demonstrate the robust processes we have in place at Copart to proactively identify risk and protect our customers’ assets. It’s just another example of our commitment to continuous improvement across the whole business and underpins the high-quality, seamless service our customers can expect to receive.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management
In 2019, we were awarded with the ISO 14001 Environmental Standard, demonstrating our commitment to the protection of the environment and our compliance with the relevant legal obligations and codes of practice linked to the environmental impact of our activities and services.
Working closely with the relevant bodes, we continuously evaluate our performance and compliance to ensure we take opportunities to improve and promote environmental awareness in order to increase and encourage waste minimisation, reuse and recycling across the business. Read our Environmental Policy.

ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Standard
The ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Standard, helps organisations to consistently identify and control the management of health and safety risks; with an emphasis on leadership and objectives measurement, risk management, communication and awareness. We’ve always maintained robust health and safety procedures at Copart but we were delighted to have this externally verified with a formally recognised corporate accreditation in 2020.
ISO 45001 takes a proactive approach to health and safety with a focus on minimising and preventing risk. This sits perfectly alongside our well-established commitment to continuous improvement and operational excellence and clearly demonstrates that we have vigorous health and safety processes in place across our business to protect both our people and our customers’ assets.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standard
ISO 9001 is a globally recognised standard in quality that demonstrates best practice with products, services and operations and clarifies the means with which a business can manage its processes, people and resources to meet its quality goals. At Copart, we don’t just want to meet customer requirements, we strive to exceed expectations, and our strong focus on continual improvement is key to achieving this.
We’re very proud of the world-class level of service we provide to our customers and were delighted to receive this stamp of quality in 2020, recognising the robust, consistent and proven processes we have in place to meet their expectations. Our customers can be confident of our ability to do what we say we can do, and do it safely, consistently and effectively.

LV Claims Partner Awards 2020 – People’s Choice Award
We were delighted to win the ‘People’s Choice Award’ at the 2020 LV= Claims Partner Awards.
Following on from our success at the awards in 2019, where we won the ‘Value Creation Award’, we were thrilled to be recognised again at this year’s prestigious annual event.
The ‘People’s Choice Award’ is truly unique, making it’s very first appearance at the 2020 event. We were all the more honoured to receive this special award as it is voted for by the people. All 1,600 LV= GI Claims colleagues were able to nominate a supplier partner who delivers an outstanding contribution to their business and makes the handling of LV= claims that little bit easier.
Parliamentary Review – Best Practice Representative
Following Copart UK’s inclusion in the Information & Technology edition of The Parliamentary Review 2019, we were very proud to be awarded a ‘Best Practice Representative’ badge from Director of Public Affairs at the Review, Jonathan White.
We were delighted that the progressive nature of Copart’s online vehicle remarketing business in the UK, including our collaborative approach to partnership and the value that our industry-leading patented auction technology brings to the used and salvage car market, was recognised by the Review as a beacon of best practice within the automotive industry. Read more at the Copart Auto Blog.

ABP Club’s 40 Women of Influence 2019
Jane Pocock, UK Managing Director at Copart, was included in ABP Club’s 40 Women of Influence 2019. ABP Club (The Auto Body Professionals Club) was formed in 2004 and has over 2,500 individual members from all sides of the UK body repair industry, including repairers, insurance, credit hire and accident management companies, vehicle, equipment and paint manufacturers, distribution and suppliers.
As a global vehicle remarketing specialist, selling to a wide range of customers including body shops, dealers, dismantlers and rebuilders, we value our close working relationships with professional bodies like the ABP for the added benefits it brings to our Buyers and the automotive industry as a whole.
‘Women of Influence’ was a brand-new event for 2019, recognising influential and inspiring women in the vehicle repair industry. As well as celebrating the achievements of these women, the event also aims to highlight the diverse range of roles that women hold within the automotive industry and encourage career opportunities and progression.
Following a series of nominations made by ABP Club members, the ABP Club team selected the 40 women that they believe have made the greatest impact within the vehicle repair industry. We were very proud that Jane received this prestigious accolade and received well-deserved recognition for her valuable contribution to the automotive industry. Read More Details.
CCA Global Standard Accreditation
We are the first company within the vehicle remarketing industry to be awarded with the prestigious CCA Global Standard Accreditation by the Customer Contact Association. We were awarded the CCA Global Standard, which is recognised as the definitive standard for customer contact operations in August 2019, following an intensive two-day assessment with the Customer Support Centre and Claims Settlement teams based at our Head Office in Wootton, Bedfordshire.
In a very positive summary at the close of the assessment, the CCA Global Standard Auditor stated that Copart had demonstrated strong alignment to the required standards and there were no areas of concern or non-conformance. Our journey doesn’t end here, as part of the assessment included feedback from the CCA on areas of improvement, which we will continue to explore and implement. Read our blog to find out more.

Robert Walters Finance Awards 2019
Copart’s European Finance Director, Gavin Renfrew won the award for Senior Finance Leader of the Year – £100-£500m Turnover, which recognises individuals who have provided strategic direction to their company alongside a demonstrable legacy of delivery in financial performance, leadership and management.
We’ve seen rapid and successful growth across Europe, including a nationwide expansion plan in Germany and the acquisition of Autovahinkokeskus Oy, the largest motor salvage disposal company in Finland. This was reflected in Gavin’s nomination, which emphasised his commitment to developing a European Finance team with the right skills to support both the continued growth of our online vehicle remarketing business and the personal development of employees. We were also shortlisted for the Business Innovation Award and Rising Star of the Year Award. Find out more on our Automotive Blog.
LV Claims Partner Awards 2019 – Value Creation Award
We are extremely proud of the relationships we have built with all of our insurance claims and salvage customers and our determination to push boundaries and continuously improve our total loss services, processes and salvage vehicle auction technology has consistently placed us head and shoulders above the competition to make us the supplier of choice for the top Insurers in the UK.
We’re very happy to have enjoyed a long-standing supplier partnership with Liverpool Victoria (LV). LV= is one of the UK’s largest insurance companies with over five million customers; and offering a range of products from car, home, pet, travel and life insurance to investment and retirement solutions. We were delighted to win the coveted ‘Value Creation Award’ at the 2019 LV= Claims Partner Awards. Following on from our success at the awards in 2018, where we won ‘GI Claims Partner of the Year’ and the ‘Investment in People Award’, we were thrilled to be recognised again in 2019 at this prestigious annual event. Read more about the story on our blog.