Growing the Greenest Fleet on the Street

by | May 11, 2023

As the owner of the UK’s largest salvage transport fleet, we’ve invested over £80m into an ongoing replacement and expansion programme which supports our Plan-Net-Zero commitment to provide the Greenest Fleet on the Street.  

Greenest Fleet on the Street

We know that as a global market leader, our customers expect us to lead by example when it comes to sustainability, so we’re passionate about doing everything we can to make meaningful and measurable changes.

Growing the Greenest Fleet on the Street

With sustainability the focal point of our future fleet strategy, we’ve made significant investment into Euro VI compliant DAF & Volvo multi-car transporters and JCB loaders that use the very latest technology and fuel methods to minimise environmental impact.  

Over 200 new owned and branded multi-car transporters have already hit the road since 2020, with hundreds more on order and in build.  

Technology and intelligence 

Innovative technology is always at the forefront of everything we do, so we’ve deployed the latest connected telematics across our transporter fleet to enhance efficiency and significantly lower fuel consumption and emissions.  

Using comprehensive driver behaviour telematics data, we can focus on improving long-term fleet sustainability and can significantly lower both our emissions and maintenance costs by planning the most intelligent and effective routes.  

Reducing emissions  

Helping us to achieve the Greenest Fleet on the Street, we’ve also recently fitted our entire fleet with a unique fuel pick-up system which ensures that only clean fuel enters the fuel lines. This eliminates the effects of fuel contamination and reduces fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions by 5%.  

Also helping us to provide the most environmentally friendly vehicle collection solutions is the diversity of our transport fleet, which includes single and 3-car transporters.   

This not only helps to enhance efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, but it also enables our drivers to handle our more challenging collections where there might be HGV limitations or access restrictions in place.    

When it comes to vehicle loaders, our strong relationship with JCB is enabling us to collaborate on the production of future build orders to ensure that we achieve our sustainability goals.   

Energy efficiency is a key focus for JCB, who have now launched their first fully electric machines. We’re excited about collaborating with them on our future orders to explore lower emission options including alternative fuels and renewable energy.  

The wider picture   

Our nationwide operational capabilities remain unrivalled, with 23 connected, owned, and managed Operation Centres and offices strategically positioned across the UK & Ireland.   

This means we can manage any peaks in demand through centrally controlled decisions and have complete flexibility to divert vehicles, people, and operations quickly and easily to another Copart location if needed.  

And our close proximity to communities and customers means we can collect, handle, and store vehicles quickly, efficiently, and with minimal environmental impact. 

Our customers can be assured that as our fleet keeps growing in line with demand, we’ll continue working closely with our partnership network across fleet, transport, and infrastructure, to identify even more ways that we can play our part in creating a sustainable future.   

Read about other fantastic green initiatives we have launched as part of our Plan-Net-Zero