Our business during the crisis

by | May 7, 2020

We have adapted our processes and services continue to offer solutions to you and your policy holders and our buyers to ensure we continue to deliver essential services in a safe environment.

We have also introduced priority focus for key worker cases that we are handling to ensure that they are supported during this time. If we are advised that the policy holder is a key worker we will ensure that we manage the request as a priority.

We have taken this time to assess our business processes and practices and what we believe this will look like going forward, taking the learnings from these unprecedented times we continue to innovate and also plan what our business and services will look like in the new world.

Innovation and technology

An example of looking forward we have developed apps specifically for utilisation during Covid-19 to enable contactless practices with our Members for when restrictions are eased, this technology supports our Members in being able to come and collect vehicles once again and ensures the appropriate levels of social distancing required are adhered to for the continued safety of our people and our customers.

Transportation App for Members

Our members can utilise this app to book a time slot to collect a vehicle or vehicles they have purchased.  The app uses geo-fencing technology to recognise when one of our members is in the area and we can message them to arrange a convenient collection time and also message them when the vehicle is ready, this will enable our teams to manage a consistent flow of members collecting vehicles, ensuring that social distancing is maintained.

(click to enlarge images below)

View lot detail

Pickup information

Manage your drivers

Book an appointment

Self Service Kiosks

Our Self Service Kiosk has been developed specifically to ensure we continue to do business and do it safely during Covid-19. In order to better serve our members and help maintain safe social distancing, a new Self Service application has been created. This application will allow members and transporters to add themselves to a queue using their smartphone instead of waiting in line, and to receive a text message when the front counter is available for service and their turn comes up in the queue.

Both apps have been developed and are available now in advance of any changes to easing the current restrictions – so we will continue to be ready for business.

In addition to this we are also implementing safety screens at all of our operation centres in preparation for the easing of the current restrictions.

Maximising auction returns

As you know we continue to run our auctions and maintain a constant and vigilant eye on the market and salvage returns,

Our Vehicle Management experts continue to manage auction volume and vehicle returns on an auction by auction basis, to ensure we maximise returns within this affected marketplace. Auction returns have continued to perform well, and we analyse each auction daily to understand the vehicle mix and buyer behaviours, to ensure we react to any changes we see in in the market.

Due to our capacity to continue operating, and that we are the only purely online digital auction provider in the market, we have been able to continue to grow the market for our customers vehicles.

New member recruitment continues to be strong with member applications rising 15% since the introduction of contactless auctions and outperforming previous months. This growing influx of new buyers has helped support auction performance and we will continue to invest to continue to grow the buyer base for our customer’s vehicles

Back in March, all our Members transitioned to utilising our digital payment and vehicle delivery capabilities as the alternative to face to face vehicle collections in our Operations Centres. This will remain whilst the Government restricts movement of the UK public.