Copart Supports Local Community this Christmas

by | Dec 16, 2020

Copart UK’s Wootton Head Office is delighted to support the local community by donating to All Nations Church’s ‘Christmas in a Box’ appeal for the Bedford Foodbank.

Copart’s Head Office in Wootton, Bedford has supported the appeal for several years and at this time of year employees would normally fill boxes with donations of food essentials and seasonal treats to make a difference to local people in crisis.

Last year, we delivered completed food boxes to All Nations Church, who co-ordinate collections on behalf of the Bedford Foodbank as part of their ‘Christmas in a Box’ appeal. In 2019, donations provided by local businesses and schools in Bedford meant that over 830 boxes were distributed to the local community over the Christmas period, reaching over 2,000 people.

There are over 2,000 Foodbanks across the UK, who have all seen demand surge due to the pandemic.

At the Bedford branch alone, they have given out over 2,000 emergency food parcels since the Covid-19 crisis began, feeding almost 5,000 people.

This year, with many Copart employees working from home due to the pandemic, the physical collections of food donations was not possible, but we were determined to still contribute towards this vital cause.

This time of year, it can be especially difficult for people living in extreme financial vulnerability, so we hope our donation will help Bedford Foodbank to have the supplies they need to meet increased demand from families in need this Christmas.

Copart UK’s Managing Director, Jane Pocock, said: 

Copart UK’s Head Office has proudly supported the Christmas in a Box Appeal for many years and although we have been unable to collect food boxes this year, we were determined to show our support to this worthy cause and play a part in caring for our community.

We hope our donation enables the Foodbank to help many families in crisis this Christmas and it is our aim to be back collecting food boxes again this time next year!”

More about the Christmas in a Box Appeal and the Bedford Foodbank

“Over many years we have been privileged to provide local people in crisis with hampers. Locally Bedford Foodbank is seeing an increasing number of clients on a regular basis. Here at All Nations Church, we want to further support the foodbank’s work, helping their clients and other vulnerable people at Christmas.”

All Nations Church, Bedford