Copart joins other industry leaders to support automotive charity at Christmas

by | Dec 14, 2020

Copart has been a proud advocate of Ben for many years. We adopted BEN as our ‘company charity’ in 2015 and hold regular fundraising events across our 18 UK locations throughout the year because of the outstanding work and assistance they offer.

Ben’s range of support services to the automotive industry – including managing mental health issues and financial worries – are more important now than ever, so we at Copart wanted to continue our support.

Health concerns, anxiety, loneliness, and money problems have come to the forefront for many people during these difficult times.

As part of the automotive community, we are lucky to have access to Ben’s fantastic range of services which offer tips and advice for these specific areas of health and wellbeing, plus many more. But of course, like any charity, Ben needs funding to be able to continue providing these services in line with growing demand.

We are proud to have joined other key members of the automotive industry in answering Ben’s rallying cry for help, pledging our support with a Christmas donation.

£500k has been pledged so far across the industry, which will enable Ben to continue providing their vital mental health, physical health, and wellbeing services.

Jane Pocock, Managing Director of Copart UK, said:

This year has hit charitable organisations especially hard. Not only has it been more challenging for fundraising events to take place due to social distancing, but many people are on reduced incomes and do not have as much money available to donate.

The pandemic has caused a significant increase in people who are struggling with stress, isolation, and money worries, so the services of Ben have never been more important. We’re delighted to show our support with this donation, which will help Ben to continue their vital support to people working in the automotive industry.”

In a recent press release, Matt Wigginton, Fundraising Director at Ben, said:

We’ve been overwhelmed with the support from our industry so far in response to our urgent rallying cry – you’re all amazing! Every donation and offer of support makes a huge difference to people’s lives. From all at Ben and from those we support, I want to say a heartfelt thank you to those who have pledged their support.”

Discover more about Ben at