Copart in the Community: Giving It Back Days

by | Nov 29, 2023

As part of our Copart Cares commitment to teammates, communities, and good causes, we offer all teammates an additional day of leave to support a charity that is close to their heart. Here is a ‘Giving It Back Day’ story from our Events Manager, Anna Fetherston. 

For my Giving It Back Day, I spent an amazing day in the scorching heat volunteering for CHUMS Charity at the Bedfordshire Golf Club!  It was a privilege to support this incredible local charity that’s close to my heart.

CHUMS provides vital emotional support for children, young people and their families covering areas such as baby loss, suicide bereavement, trauma service and the disability friendship group ‘Supporting Mental Health and Improving Lives’.   

I have been a keen supporter of CHUMS for many years. In 2018, I was their Events Manager and created the ‘Shine Bright, Wear Bright campaign which raises thousands of pounds each year from schools and local businesses (such as Copart!) as well as raising awareness to talk about mental health. 

My daughter has also been a service user with her anxiety journey, and they were a great support to her and our family.

Giving It Back Day
Despite the sweltering 30+ degrees, the golfers were out in full swing, all for a great cause! I assisted on the day by selling raffle tickets in the morning and then travelling in the golf buggy selling refreshments to the golfers in the afternoon. Copart also donated a golf goodie bag towards their raffle and sponsored a hole.  

From previously working in the charity sector, I appreciate how hard it is to get volunteers to help out. I understand that no matter how small or big the role is on the day, it can make a massive difference in creating a successful fundraiser or supporting the charity. 

I came away from my Giving It Back Day with my mental health happiness bucket filled and I recommend others to do the same! 
