Copart UK raises £2,000 for Rainbow Trust

by | Feb 26, 2020

Copart UK joined forces with other members of the claims community on Friday 14th February 2020 to support the annual ILC (I Love Claims) Day, helping to raise vital funds for Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity.

Joining forces

Now in its eighth consecutive year, ILC Day is an annual event where members of the insurance claims industry join forces to support ILC’s official charity. 75 UK companies across 200 locations took part this year, with 3,500 people wearing something red to work to raise funds for Rainbow.

Copart team-mates across 18 UK locations supported this year’s ILC Day, organising bake sales, raffles and games to raise additional money as well as wearing red. We are delighted to announce that we raised over £2,000 this year.

Copart teammates wearing red for ILC charity

Supporting great causes

The money raised will all go to Rainbow Trust, which provides bespoke support for families who have a child with a serious illness. This could include emotional support, respite, helping to organise hospital appointments, explaining illnesses and treatment, looking after siblings, and bereavement support.

Paula Varley, Account Director, said:

“Copart UK has proudly supported ILC Day for many years now. We’re proud to have an established culture that is committed to charitable giving and we always enjoy teaming up with other companies from the insurance claims industry to raise funds for this fantastic charity.

We now have over 1,000 employees across the country and this event always provides a great opportunity for us to unite together and raise funds for a very worthwhile cause.”

A statement released by Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity said: “Every penny raised means the charity can support more families who are in the unimaginable situation, having a child with a life threatening or terminal illness. Rainbow Trust can’t change the diagnosis, we don’t undertake the treatment, but we can, and we do help families cope day to day, emotionally and practically. Once again, huge thanks for your support so far, you have been part of something amazing for Rainbow Trust, something to be really proud of.”

ilc rainbow trust logo

Read other stories about how Copart works with the community.

Learn more about the ILC (I Love Claims) community.