Copart UK Achieves Carbon Literacy Gold Accreditation

by | Dec 4, 2023

It’s Carbon Literacy Action Day, so the timing is perfect to announce that Copart has just achieved a Carbon Literacy Gold Accreditation, with over 50% of our workforce now certified!

The Carbon Literacy Project awards this accreditation to companies that maintain a substantial proportion of their workforce as Carbon Literate and demonstrate Carbon Literacy through their organisational behaviours.

Jane Pocock, CEO of Copart UK & Ireland, said:

“We’re delighted to announce that over half of our Copart UK teammates are now certified as Carbon Literate.

It’s been wonderful to see such high levels of engagement across our business and there’s been a real shift in awareness and behaviours when it comes to always thinking green in everything we do.

We’re now making excellent progress towards our next goal of achieving platinum level, where we’ll be delivering training to 80% of our workforce and promoting positive action against climate change by further extending our ESG commitment out to our supplier chain.”

Carbon literacy training is just one aspect of our ‘Plan-Net-Zero’, which also includes the ‘Greenest Fleet on the Street’, the setting of science-based targets (SBTi), and the continued expansion of our UK recycling and green parts capabilities (most recently boosted by the addition of our newly-acquired The Green Parts Specialists brand!).

Read the full Press Release.