Copart contributes to Telegraph EV story

by | May 4, 2023

As a global leader in vehicle remarketing and recycling, we recently contributed to the Telegraph’s EV story “Electric cars being written off after minor bumps. Doubts grow over electric car revolution, with insurers reluctant to attempt repairs.” 

The story claims that electric cars are being written off after minor damage to batteries, which is casting renewed doubt on their environmental credentials. 

We’re passionate about promoting the economic and environmental benefits of vehicle recycling and parts dismantling through our extensive range of vehicle remarketing and recycling services, and we have long supported the global circular economy by offering widespread access to Green Parts. 


It has been encouraging to see our sector is taking the climate crisis seriously and there has been a significant shift towards ‘reusing and recycling’, demonstrated by an increased interest from insurers in using Green Parts as a viable repair solution.   

And although Green Parts are not the answer in every situation, as a key supplier in this sector we believe that increasing the availability of viable, quality assured Green Parts is going to have huge benefits when it comes to the ongoing electric revolution.   

We know that roughly half of low-mileage EVs being salvaged have suffered minor battery damage, but as the Telegraph story highlights, there are still some concerns around the safety of handling electric vehicles.   

A general reluctance to attempt repairs due to these concerns means that, in some cases, insurers may believe that the most cost-effective solution is to scrap the entire vehicle. This is of course something we need to avoid wherever possible.   

Training is the key to confidence, and we continuously upskill our engineers to handle electric and hybrid vehicles competently and safely.   

This has included rolling out training in Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance and Electric/Hybrid Vehicle System Repair & Replacement, and we’ll continue working closely with specialist training companies to make sure we are always ahead of the curve.   

Copart is proud to be at the forefront of upcycling and recycling vehicles, and we’re committed to reducing the number of vehicles unnecessarily being scrapped with our ever-expanding range of Copart Recycling services.  

By providing access to viable, quality Green Parts, and an auction platform with extensive global reach, we can continue to enable the continued growth of electric vehicles – absolutely vital with the ban of new petrol and diesel vehicles coming into effect in 2030.  

We were pleased to be given the opportunity to contribute to this story, which you can read in full here (subscription required). 

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