Copart Raises £2k for Health and Wellbeing Charities

by | Oct 20, 2022

As part of our ongoing Copart Cares 💙 CSR commitment to good causes and communities, teammates took part in two major fundraising events this month for health and wellbeing charities. 

On 7th October, Copart teammates across the UK held Macmillan Coffee Mornings for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Macmillan Cancer Support, founded in 1911, provides specialist health care, information, and support to people living with cancer.

The annual Macmillan Coffee Morning is their biggest fundraising event and we’ve been proudly supporting it at Copart for many years. Sadly, cancer touches most lives, so it’s a charity that is close to the hearts of many across our business.

Teammates across the UK organised bake sales, competitions, and games, and wore something green, to raise money for Macmillan.

Then on 14th October, we supported the Ben’s Big Breakfast event once again to raise money for the Ben Automotive Charity.

At Copart, we’re a long-term supporter of Ben, having adopted them as our company charity in 2015.

The Big Breakfast event was newly launched last year as an additional fundraising event to help Ben continue providing vital health and wellbeing support services to people who work, or have previously worked, in the automotive industry.

Copart teammates raised funds by tucking into breakfast treats, organising games and raffles, and wearing pjs for the day. Some brave teammates from our Wootton Head Office also volunteered to have their legs waxed to raise additional money!

We feel incredibly grateful at Copart to have access to Ben’s services, so we always love an opportunity like this to give something back.

Thanks to the combined efforts of teammates across our 19 nationwide locations, we’ve raised a total of £2k for these two fantastic health and wellbeing charities.

We’re very proud of the caring culture we have at Copart and it’s always fantastic to see our teams all across the country coming together to have fun while raising money for good causes.