How to Get Your Car Spring-Ready

by | Mar 15, 2019


Want to get your car sorted for spring?

When we think of having a spring clean, we tend to think of our homes, but applying this theory to our cars is just as important.

After enduring a winter period of ice, snow and mud to the exterior, it’s likely that your car is in desperate need of some TLC.  We also need to change our driving mindset as the season changes.

We’ve pulled together a few tips that will help your vehicle feel as good as new and ensure that you are spring-savvy when driving.

Wash Winter Away


Getting rid of the winter dirt that your vehicle has accumulated doesn’t just make it look good, it also protects the paintwork.

Dirt, mud and road grit can all contain salt, which can erode your paintwork and cause rust.

Wash your car with specially formulated car shampoo, as household cleaners won’t do the job and, in some cases, can actually damage paintwork.

Don’t forget to wash the whole car – although you might not be able to see underneath the car, this is where the most dirt tends to build up, so make sure the hose down the underside of the car and the wheel arches.

Tired Tyres?


While you’re cleaning those wheel arches, now would be a good time to take a look at the condition of your tyres.

They will have taken a battering over the winter months – the ultimate season for potholes in the roads – so examine all your tyres for any cuts, splits or bulges.

Even if there is no damage, it’s also worth checking your tyre tread depth is still above the legal limit of 1.6mm. Make sure you get any damaged or worn tyres replaced immediately.

And, if you’re lucky enough to have a car that holds a spare tyre – don’t forget to check that too!

Reduce Rain Risks


Spring time often means lots of rain, so be aware of slippery driving conditions on wet roads.

Reduce your speed when driving in the rain and leave more space between you and the vehicle in front, to allow a greater stopping distance if you need to brake.

The Highway Code states that stopping distances will be at least double in wet weather, because your tyres will have less grip on the road.

Wet weather can also impair your visibility, especially when large or fast-moving vehicles around you create spray. Windscreen wipers must be working correctly when driving in rain, so make sure that both your front and back wiper blades are functional and replace them immediately if they are faulty.

And, if you find your windscreen misting up, turning on your air-conditioning can help clear it faster.

Avoid Icy Encounters


Just because we’re leaving winter behind us, doesn’t mean we’ve seen the end of ice.

Temperatures can still plummet at this time of year, particularly at night, and can drop enough to cause ice on roads.

Be aware that there could be black ice on roads, which is not always visible. Keep an eye on the thermometer in your car and if it’s close to freezing, be aware that there could potentially be black ice on the roads and reduce your speed accordingly.

If you do hit ice, don’t hit the brakes or over-steer. Just stay calm, hold your steering wheel steady and let your vehicle pass over it.

And, don’t remove your de-icer and scraper from your car just yet, as you may still need it!



Sourced from (2018). Advice for driving in heavy rain and floods. Available: Last accessed 12/03/2019.

Sourced from (2017). Time for a spring clean. Available: Last accessed 12/03/2019.

Sourced from (2016). SPRING DRIVING ROADWAY HAZARDS YOU WILL WANT TO WATCH OUT FOR. Available: Last accessed 12/03/2019.

Sourced from (n.d.). The Benefits of Spring Cleaning Your Car. Available: Last accessed 12/03/2019.

Rodman K, & Williams, A. (n.d.). Black ice: How to spot this winter driving danger. Available: Last accessed 12/03/2019.