Do you take heed of your speed?

by | May 18, 2018

Recent analysis of 2.7 million Police Fixed Penalty Notices in the UK has revealed that speeding offences made up most of the notices, with 2.25 million drivers ticketed for exceeding speed limits in the 2016/17 financial year.

The Avon and Somerset region topped the list as the UK’s worst driving offence area, with 197,692 drivers receiving Fixed Penalty Notices in this period, which equates to almost a fifth of drivers in that area.

Not only is speeding going to mean expensive fines and penalty points for the driver, but it significantly increases the chance of accidents occurring, which at high speeds can potentially prove fatal.

So, what can you do to restrict your speed, stay safe and avoid expensive speeding fines?

Cruise Control


Image source: Carkeys (17/05/2018)

If your car offers a cruise control option, then use it!

Cruise Control systems automatically control the speed of the vehicle. When activated, it can maintain a selected speed without the need to use the accelerator. You can set and control how fast you travel, maintaining a safe, steady…and more importantly… legal speed.

Cruise Control in cars has become more common in the last few years. It used to be viewed as a premium or luxury feature but is now available as an option on a much wider range of competitively-priced vehicles, so it is definitely worth asking about if you are in the market for a new car.

Ford’s ‘Intelligent Speed Limiter’

S-MAX Intelligent Speed Limiter

Image source: Extreme Tech (17/05/2018)

Ford drivers can benefit from this in-car technology which automatically prevents drivers from exceeding speed limits.

The ‘Intelligent Speed Limiter’ technology automatically adjusts the speed to keep to limits. Effective at speeds between 20-120mph, the technology decelerates the car by restricting the fuel supply to the engine.

The technology is currently available on Ford Kuga, Edge, S-Max and Galaxy and has proved popular with drivers who want to avoid incurring speeding fines.

With Ford leading the way, it is surely only a matter of time before other manufacturers follow, so keep your eyes open for more of this type of technology coming into the automotive market.

Speed Alert Devices


Image source: Amazon (17/05/2018)

There are various devices available online that can display and alert you to changes in speed limits, many with cover throughout Western Europe.

One popular model, the MY-SPEED XL uses distinctive colours to notify you when you exceed the speed limit, with a green display to indicate that you are driving within the speed limit and a red display when you are driving above the speed limit and need to slow down.

Taking this technology even further is the recently launched PURE device from Road Angel. The PURE, which displays your speed on a scratch resistant, light-detecting anti-glare screen, even knows where variable speed limits are in place.

Having the right technology in place is helpful, but ultimately expensive, so we’ve also got Five Top Tips on how to avoid speeding. They are very simple, and more importantly, they don’t cost anything!

1. Check your speed


This may sound obvious, but your speed could be creeping up without you even noticing, so make sure you regularly glance down at your speedometer to see how fast you are going.

If you have a Sat-Nav in your car, you could keep it switched on even if you don’t have a route planned into it, as not only will it display your speed, but most models have warning alerts for speed cameras built in.

2.  Look for the signs


Many drivers who are caught speeding say they thought the limit was higher than it was.

When joining a new road, don’t make the mistake of assuming it is the same speed limit as the one you were just on.

Always look for signs to tell you what the speed limit is. 20mph limits are becoming increasingly common in areas which were previously 30mph, especially in residential areas or roads near to schools.

3. Avoid distractions


Make sure you are free of distractions when driving, as lack of concentration can cause you to lose focus on the speed you are doing.

Don’t listen to music or talk to passengers if it’s going to distract you and make sure you have hidden your mobile phone out of view, perhaps in the glove-box or in your bag so you are not tempted to look at it.

4. Take your time


Most people end up speeding because they are running late.

Don’t put yourself in a situation where you feel pressured to get to work or an appointment on time.

Make sure you leave early, giving yourself plenty of time to get to your destination and making it less likely that you will drive over the speed limit.

5. Drive less!


The less you drive, the less chance there is of you speeding! Can you find ways to cut down on your driving?

Look at using public transport options when possible, which may even work out cheaper when compared to petrol costs and wear and tear on your car.

You could even consider biking or walking for shorter distances. Not only will this mean less time behind the wheel, but the exercise will also provide health benefits.

We hope you’ve found this article interesting and informative, and that you’ve picked up some tips for staying safe on the roads.



Dron, W. (2018). ROAD ANGEL PURE SPEED CAMERA AND LASER DETECTOR REVIEW. Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.

Griffiths, H. (2018). Research reveals UK’s driving offence hotspots.Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.

Sourced from (2018). Snooper My-Speed XL Camera and Limit Warning GPS System. Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.

Goldasz, S. (2017). What is cruise control?. Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.

Martin, H. (2017). 10 Tips for Staying Within the Speed Limit.Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.

Smith, L.J. (2017). THIS will stop you from receiving a speeding ticket EVER again. Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.

Sourced from (2017). How to Avoid Speeding.Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.

Howard,B. (2015). Ford Intelligent Speed Limiter reads signs, sets cruise control — but only 5 mph over. Available: Last accessed 18/05/2018.