Always Thinking Green – Copart spreads the word on Carbon Literacy

by | Oct 31, 2023

As we continue to make fantastic progress towards gold on our Carbon Literacy journey, we’ve been busy extending our ESG commitment out to our supplier chain and promoting positive action against climate change. 

We’ve been rolling out virtual carbon literacy training sessions to our sub haul network partners and have been delighted to see such high levels of engagement. 

As part of the training, attendees are asked to make two pledges with actions they can make to reduce their carbon footprint, as an individual and via their workplace or community. 

One of our sub haul partners, Dan, made a terrific pledge to help spread the sustainability message even further and imbed it into his company culture. 

“I plan to use the information learned to make a wall planner in our company break room to explain the risks of climate change and how we can all help. I’ll offer one-on-one chats or a quarterly review to staff so they can explain what they have done or how they plan to change, and I’ll make suggestions on what they can do to make a difference.” 

We’re pleased to see that Dan put his pledge into practice straight away and he shared the good news with us that his new carbon literacy notice board is up and running!   

Carbon Literacy Pledge

What a great way to share the knowledge he has gained from Copart’s Carbon Literacy training with others and promote the positive actions we can all take to be greener.  

Here at Copart, we believe that the automotive sector has a huge responsibility to champion climate action and carbon reduction. It’s important to us that our partners share our values, so we’re pleased to have this opportunity to be a leader and influencer in best practice. 

Company-wide carbon literacy training has been just one aspect of Copart’s ‘Plan-Net-Zero’, our ongoing commitment to tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions.  

This includes a commitment to achieving the ‘Greenest Fleet on the Street’, the setting of science-based targets (SBTi), and the continued expansion of our UK recycling and green parts capabilities. 

We’re passionate about continuously adding to our wide range of sustainability accreditations and initiatives, so there will be much more to come!